Prof. Dr.
Pierre Vialle


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National diploma of accreditation to supervise PhD students in Business Administration

PhD in Economics. Université Paris Dauphine

MSc in Organisation, Université Paris I Sorbonne

Master in Management, ESCP Europe


Job functions


Director of the MSc in ICT Business Management, Telecom Ecole de Management

Director of KIND (Knowledge, Innovation, and Network Dynamics) research group, LITEM Lab


Pierre Vialle is Professor at Telecom Ecole de Management (Telecom Business School) in France. He is currently Director of the MSc in ICT Business Management and of KIND (Knowledge, Innovation, and Network Dynamics) research group.

He holds a Master in Management from ESCP Europe, a PhD in Economics from Paris-Dauphine University, and the national diploma of accreditation to supervise PhD students in Business Administration in France.

Pierre Vialle is specialized in Innovation dynamics in the Digital Economy. His research interests are: the Innovation behavior of firms in the Information and Communications Technology industry and the Digital Economy, business models, Inter-organisational relationships and business networks, Technological catching up and latecomer strategies. He has published two books and several chapters on these topics, as well as articles in journals such as Journal of Telecommunications Policy, Journal of Information Technology, Journal of Service Research or Revue Française du Marketing. Pierre Vialle is also reviewer for Journals such as Telecommunications Policy, Revue Française de Gestion, Information Technology for Development, and China Communications.