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Tuition Fees

To contribute to the development of innovation in Thailand and to support the Thailand 4.0 Government initiative, Bangkok University is now offering a THB220,000 scholarship (40% of the full cost) to "early adopters" of the MBI program, who will become the 21st century creative managers!

The MBI tuition and fees are only THB330,000 NOW!" (if you apply by June 30th 2021)

If you apply after June 30th 2021, the scholarship will be of 30%, and the MBI tuition will become THB385,000.00

The payments will be spread over the 18 months duration of the program.

All prices are subject to change without any prior notice. The scholarship amount is subject to change without prior notice. Please consult the admission to confirm the prices and scholarship amount.

Please contact us if need more details about the possible instalments.